The 350ml range introduces two exciting newcomers: Nawhal’s Thai Chili Sauce, boasting the perfect blend of heat and sweetness, and Nawhal’s Old-Fashioned 3 Pepper Sauce, renowned for its rich flavor and creamy texture. These latest additions make their debut in the Squeeze range, joining a lineup of favorites such as Andalusian, Samurai, and the iconic Nawhal’s Algerian – all beloved best-sellers!

Success knows no bounds! When something hits the mark, it should be accessible to all. To cater to diverse tastes and budgets, Nawhal’s is proud to include these delectable sauces in the Squeeze range. While this range may be more petite in size, it packs the same punch of flavor at a pocket-friendly price. Fear not, the taste remains unchanged, but at Nawhal’s, we believe in offering choices. Now, you can savor these tantalizing sauces in various sizes. Indulge and enjoy!